Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's Sunday!

It's Sunday and so far I've done nothing!  We missed church and I have gotten to play on the computer while DH (Adrian) cleaned the kitchen.  Thank you!  The boys picked up the living room.  So now all I have to do is clean, which is fine with me.  But right now Baby and I are watching SpongeBob.  I actually do have to go to Target, HomeDepot, Michael's and Trader Joe's...all while 9 months pregnant...but that's fun stuff.  I'd rather be in the hospital giving birth to baby Brooklyn Kamryn, but no such luck so far.  I'm also trying to figure out what to do with the boys homeschool wise over the summer.  Rory (Bubba) will be in 1st grade, Jourdan (Cricket) will be starting K and Tristan (Baby or Beenie) will only be 2 1/2, so we can start simple preschool things.  Although Baby already knows a lot...colors, counting to 5, draws people with complete body parts...but I'm sure Daddy will expect him to be reading by the end of the summer!  I also want to figure out how to add things to my blog...any suggestions???

Friday, May 14, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

I love looking at other blogs.  Some are super interesting and helpful while others don't make much sense.  I'm figuring that mine will be somewhere in between.  Who knows!  But, I will have fun doing it!  Thanks for finding me =)